Weekly and Monthly Events
Join us this week for one or more events.
Sunday Morning Classes and Activities - 9:00 am
Whatever your age or interest, there’s a class for you!
- FCC Kids - Grades K-5 (Children's Wing - 2nd Floor Across from Kitchen)
- Youth - Grades 6-12 (The Lounge - 2nd Floor)
- Searchers Class - Adults (3rd Floor Classroom)
- Friendship Class - Adults (3rd Floor Classroom 325)
- Fellowship Hour - All Ages (Gathering Area)
Worship Services - 10:00 am (Sanctuary)
Join us for worship each Sunday morning. Nursery is available for children age 4 and younger.
Youth Group - 11:00 pm to 1:00 pm
This group is open to students in grades 6-12. We visit and connect, hang out, play games, study the Bible and pray. We eat lunch together and share highs and lows which is a long-standing FCC Youth Group tradition.
Mary's Circle - 1st Monday, 1:00 (Gathering Area)
Our members develop a close bond of friendship and fellowship as we participate in the Church programs and provide dinners to bereaved families of our Circle. We always welcome new members.
Prayer Shawls - 4th Monday, 1:00 (Parlor)
Anytime a FCC member goes into the hospital or faces serious illness, they receive a prayer shawl that is crocheted and prayed over by this group. Bring your skills in order to become a blessing!
CWF (Christian Women's Fellowship) - Specific dates announced
Food Pantry, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Family Life Center)
Every month FCC feeds nearly 1,000 families through our food pantry, and we’ve been doing it for decades. This is a ministry that runs on volunteers, and more hands are always welcome.
Weekly Prayer Call - 9:15 AM
We gather via conference call to share our prayer concerns and celebrations and to lift them up to God together.
- Call In Phone Number: (716-427-1083)
- Enter the access code 444928.
Bible Study - Noon (Activities Room)
In Scripture we discover the meaning of God’s love and the difference it makes in our lives. Join us Wednesday at noon.
Chancel Choir - 6:30 PM (Choir Room)
Our choir welcomes new singers. For those who are unable to participate each week, join us for a short-term commitment as we prepare Easter and Christmas musicals.
Jubilant Sound Handbells Practice - 7:45 PM (Sanctuary)
Our handbell choir is always ringing in good news. If you have experience playing bells or want to learn how, let us know. (High school level music reading is required.)
Widows Support Group - 2nd Thursday (Friendship Classroom)
If you are a widow, please join us and see if the group is right for you. The Widow Support Group was formed to build relationships and to support one another as we adapt to changes in our lives. The group for recent and long time widows. We don’t profess to being a grief group as we don’t feel qualified for that; but we are open to listening and talking in a safe environment.